not a good day for you – don’t buy any electrical appliances / gadgets because you’ll find them to be ^&%%$$%^ (on other day, okay). in the end you’ll have to sacrifice more time to seek for their after sales service. secondly, always check your car trunk. by doing so, you’ll save more time and energy – just do that and you’ll know what it means - good luck and good night.
got these two calendars last year and this year. i like the image of women in kimono. i’ve decided to keep last year’s calendar and put them both side by side. hope to get another one next year
you’ll learn about some big info/news today . it will change your perspective of life. you may have no directions in life before this, but now you’ll see a clearer path. now, don’t take this info/news the wrong way. you’ll have to make things way better than you do now. things will turn around. by the end of this year, it’ll turn out to be one of your proudest achievement. it is expected that your getaway car will be ready at the last quarter of the year. the time will come for you to ride in your getaway car. your getaway car!