phew, a year went by and i would like to wish you people out there 'happy new year 2011'. not that my new year wish is something important but i would like to get in queue and do my insignificant wish. as the pics above suggest, both are my pics wearing the stormtrooper 'helmet'. i'm not into star wars thing but i just think it is cool. please also notice the japanese-based characters that should mean 'happy new year 2011' (i think so). kind of cool huh? if there's someone who finds out the character is wrong, well i hope that you would not pay much attention to that hehehe. another note to the pics is that pic #2 has its stormtrooper helmet in the most awkward and strange position. i can't help much of that. i wanna show my first digital mistake in 2011. so what? it's a mistake and now the prawns are rushing out from the river in 2011..whatever that means...!
nice blog babe.. siyes shit..
aku suke blog ni..tak boleh ikut ke blog ni??
loike dis belog :)))
BW here =)
asal la letak topeng bro..haha...
line putih line hitam - tqvm t/kasih banyak2..teruskan support ye..
bukan photographer - nanti aku akan usahakan buat feature follower :)
nur dhiya - tqvm..teruskan support ye.. :)
novelgurl - BW (black n white ke?) rules.. hehehe
PG - topeng stormtrooper lebih hensem dari muka aku. hahhaa..itulah sebabnya... hehe
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