now now.. i managed to update the fourth edition of my journey’s entry to japan in the shortest time period. yeay!! i can’t promise regular or fast updates but i’ll try to be faster next other times. alrite.. from harajuku i went to the next destination which is well known all over the world. where is the place? you’ll know very shortly.. but this pic already tells a lot ^^
so, here is the station in which i could not recall what it is.. sorry ^^
you can guarantee trains arrive as per scheduled. so, set your watch as per the exact time and catch the train even you have to run.. the trains arrive and leave on the dot ^^
then.. we got off the train and walked. the night sky was full of clouds and the clouds are illuminated by the city lights.
we walked and walked and we still have yet arrived to the destination. pls bear with me folks.. we’ll arrive in more or less 20,000 steps ^^
walking around the town can be relaxing as well. seeing the pace of the town.. the lights.. the people.. the smell.. the air..
do you have any suspicion now that i was kinda lost? hahaha.. been walking too far now. anyways, this is the train platform that is parallel in heights to the pedestrian bridge i was walking on.. (see.. it’s normal to queue)
the temperature at night dropped down to around 11 – 14 degrees and the wind would freeze you easily. with the sky full of clouds, it should suggest that it’s colder? i dunno.. but it was cold during the time this pic was taken by the way.
alrighty.. some on-going roadworks as you can see in this pic. but i must tell you that the roadworks in japan is done very effectively in japan. it is done timely so that it would not cause any inconvenience to the entire folks.
well, i hope you could take some time enjoying the whole walking i did. see the surroundings during autumn night in tokyo ^^. ah, for info, police in japanese is known as keisatsu (けいさつ)
ok, we have finally arrived to shibuya crossings! thank you for your patience walking with me hehehe. as you can see, shibuya crossing is full of people! the shibuya crossing is the busiest in the world. and i got the chance to cross the world’s busiest crossing! cool!!
are you ready to cross? you can see there are hundreds of people from the other side of the road waiting to cross. all four corners are full of people waiting for the lights turn green (for pedestrian to cross)
oh yeah!! i’m crossing it now! wooohooo! there are many folks taking pics while crossing so i wasn’t feeling awkward to snap pics ^^ (see that 109 building, h&m and uniqlo? those are some of the must visit place)
shibuya crossing has five crossings altogether. four the usual crossings that go straight to the other side of the road and one diagonal crossing.. some sort of going across to the further opposite side of the road.
this is the normal crossing (not the diagonal crossing)
arriving on the other side of the road. shibuya is a shopping heaven for both men and ladies. the fashion is up to date and i managed to explore some of the stores.. lucky!
this alley will change you wallets/purse condition from healthy to sick ^^ well.. not only just this alley.. the entire four squares of the crossings are shopping heavens for those who come over to shibuya. if you are not into shopping, seeing the buzz around is also will make you feel excited..!
taking the diagonal crossing to complete the ritual ^^
it’s time to bid farewell to shibuya. the sounds and lights are too much to absorb. i wanted to stay longer but there are other places to go to as well.
on the move to the next destination. the station is packed during that time.nice ad.. cute lady ^^
the clock is not broken.. it was nearly 6pm but it’s already pitch black like 8pm outside..
japanese are pros at exiting/entering the train station. the queue is sometimes long but you would find that they all got through pretty fast..
the estimated time (in minutes) arriving to the next station is shown in the boxes.
seemed like we have arrived to the destination.
yoyogi station in black and white persona.
welcome to tokyo dome city. it’s a place where shopping, entertainment and leisure comes in a package. there’s a theme park as well.. and the well known tokyo dome that held out concerts, games and matches such like baseball, american footbal and even wrestlings.
here’s tokyo dome. all lit up with lights. the ferris wheel in the background also has roller coaster ride going through the ferris wheel’s belly ^^
this is the hotel.. if i am not mistaken..ferris wheel, roller coaster and brightly lit trees.
beyond that entrance are cafes, restaurants and shops..
looking back before entering (or is it because there are uniformed school girls behind me? hehe)
this couple was deciding what to eat from the food samples just outside the restaurants. all eating places in japan provide samples for customers to look at before making decisions. the samples are like real and looks yummy!
the decorations based on christmas theme as it was nearing that holiday season..
crepes for hungry stomachprice is good at uniqlo. my friend had some shopping spree here.
walk around looking at the shops..
shopping centre walkabouts..
this is love tunnel made for couples in love. walking side by side holding hands and giggling at cute words.. but some others just use it just because the love tunnel is a shortcut to get back to the entrance ^^
heading back to tsuchiura. kind of tired walking but it was all fun-walk ^^
it was late but we decided to have some hot drinks. i enjoy drinking this hot chocolate very much. in that kind of weather (cold), it just fits!

then i ordered this set which costs 550yen. tasted yummy!
the first sunlight at 6am (local time) and 5am malaysian time. a new day just about to start.. see you in the next entry ^^
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